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Sizzling Manifestation tip: 1 habit to help you manifest with ease

March 04, 20236 min read

"Happiness isn’t something you get. It’s the side effect of our choices. So in this life we have to make decisions that create the biggest chance of experiencing the side effect of happiness”

WTF that’s brilliant I thought as I pressed the rewind button on my Spotify to re listen to those words again and again. ( 5-6 times in total)!

Days later I was still thinking about it.

And it dawned on me as I stood in my kitchen one morning in my red spotted PJ’s sipping coffee. If you take this concept and apply it to any manifestation goal the impact could be pretty powerful. And here’s my thinking on how it would help.

It could help you:

  1. Feel more chilled while waiting your manifestation to appear

  1. Stay in alignment with the energy of what you want to manifest without thinking about it

  1. Let go of control of the when and how = back to the first point.

So that’s what we’re exploring in this blog. How to apply the side effect concept to your manifestation process. So you can experience those sizzling results.

Let’s get into it.

When you decide you want something. Let's say it's a partner or money you want. On the surface what you desire is a physical thing. Sure.

But it’s never just about the physical thing. And IMO the physical thing is secondary to the thing we’re ACTUALLY seeking which is a feeling.

And something I am obsessed with in my own life. To an annoying level sometimes. Is the WHY behind everything!

  • Why do you think that about yourself?

  • Why did that trigger you?

  • Why do you want a partner?

  • Why do you want a million pounds?


And here’s WHY (no pun intended) I’m obsessed.

Firstly, when you get to the root of why. It gives you the key to the kingdom (Good ref Girls anyone?) and illuminates neon signs that point you in the direction you need to go.

Secondly, knowing the root why provides a Hansel and Gretel trail to the primary result. Aka the feelings you want to experience.

And when you’re clear on the feelings you want to experience it means you can find ways to connect to more of them NOW.


Puts you more in energetic alignment with your manifestation.

So if we apply the concept from the intro (so you can get those sizzler results) this is how it works …

  • By focusing on making choices that are more likely to create more of the feelings you want.


  • Making choices you know will make you feel more of what you don’t want.

You naturally end up doing one of the key things required to manifest what you desire into reality.

And that is…

Becoming the version of yourself who already has the result you desire. So, you are in a state of having what you want before it becomes a reality.

Kinda like magic!

And when you reach this point I’ve found that…

  • Urgency disappears. Yes you would love it to happen now but you also trust that it’s inevitable.

  • You can crack on and enjoy your life grounded in this deep sense of knowing it will happen. Even if you have no visible evidence to confirm it right now

  • It clears space so you can continue to tend to any hurts that still need healing. While making the best decisions for yourself right now.

Decisions that…

  • Communicate that your self-worth is on the way to. Or is already raised back to where it belongs - right at the top of the barometer

  • Support inspired aligned action so you keep moving forward

  • Communicate that you trust what you want will happen - and if it's not that, something better is meant for you.

  • Bring you internal peace and safety

  • Makes you feel positive and as if you're nailing this adulting shit!

  • Make sure you know that you got yourself.

And this is the finest damn place to hang while you wait for your manifestation to appear.

What happens when you focus too much on the outcome

In my experience a big mistake people make when trying to manifest their desire is...

Becoming too fixated on the outcome. Which leads to them becoming increasingly impatient for the end result.

Like a friend of mine, Geraldine.

Geraldine got so obsessed with how and when her partner would arrive. (She was like a wild animal on the hunt for the next meal!) that she:

  • Was distracted from making the best choices day to day. And continued to make more choices that created more of the feelings she didn’t want

  • Didn’t take the next best inspired or aligned action steps (no action no results my friend). Her chosen steps came from desperation

  • Generated panic energy. And fell into a trap of believing things weren't working which drove more unwise choices

  • Felt frustrated, doubtful and wondered if there was something wrong with her.

And those individually or mashed together make you feel like crap. And as a result you continue to make choices as the 1.0 you vs 2.0 you. Which is what happened to Geraldine.

And when you live life with the same...

1.0 subconscious programming

Believing the same 1.0 beliefs

Thinking the same 1.0 thoughts and feeling the same feelings ...

...It equals

Projecting the 1.0 same energy and taking the same actions

Which equals...

...continuing to experience the the same 1.0 results in your life.

Which I know isn’t what you want. 🙅‍♀️

So from this day forward I want you to do these 3 things:

1. Ask this question more:

"Is this choice more likely to create more of the feelings I want or more of the feelings I don't want?"

Answer that and adjust your choices accordingly!

2. Dig into the why behind what you want and discover the feelings you’re seeking.

Write those feels down. And set an intention to find ways to feel more of these now. What choices could make that would create more of those feelings for you.

For example, let's say what you want to manifest will make you feel more free. A way to create more feelings of freedom is this. Choose to give gratitude for all the freedom you already have in your life.

What this could look like:

  • I am grateful for the freedom I have to choose what I wear today

  • I am grateful for the freedom I have to choose what I eat

  • I am grateful for the freedom I have to go for a walk every day.

3. Focus on having a glow up internally!

Over time this glow up will get reflected back to you in the reality you see and experience. The good shit will manifest left, right and centre!

Until next time

Sending smooshes

Sarah 💃🌟🫶🏼

manifestation tipmidlife women manifesting in midlifemindset
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Sarah Duff

Sarah Duff is a manifestation and mindset Coach who supports women through their midlife journey and shows them how to manifest the dream life they want.

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